Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Of trains and tattoos

Hello hello!

I am still thinking about traveling because, well, I am always thinking about traveling. I have added another city to my travel goals: San Francisco. Okay, I didn't really just add it. I have wanted to go here for a while, but now I have decided that I want to take the train there.

I have never been on an Amtrak train before and, even though the trip will be super long, I want to try it out. I was looking at ticket prices and just general Amtrak information and it takes over thirty-four hours to get from Denver to San Francisco. I still want to do it. It'll be a good time. I am thinking I want to make this a winter trip.

This might actually end up being the next trip I go on.

And on to tattoos. I have one on my ankle and before I graduated college I was thinking about getting another one. I actually chose what I wanted and almost made the appointment, but I wasn't sure of what I chose. So I stopped looking and then I didn't have money so the tattoo plans went away for a couple of years.

Now that I have a job again I want to get another one. And everyone at work seems to be getting tattoos and that just makes me want to get one more. I know where I want to get it (behind my ear), but I am not sure what I want.  I am leaning towards a key of some sort, but I don't want a plain boring key. So I am looking into keyblades from Kingdom Hearts. Some of those designs are actually really cool and I did consider this before, but I am not sure that is what I want. And then there is the size. If this tattoo is going to be behind my ear, I don't want it to be really big and if I choose a keyblade it might be too small to get all the detail.

I don't know. I need to start a tattoo fund and maybe when I have saved up enough I will know what I want.

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