This is a tough subject to bring up. What twenty-five year old doesn't have their driver's license? I have heard people laugh at this subject, apparently it is unacceptable to not have a license. The one question I am asked when it is brought up is why? There could be many many reasons why someone in their twenties doesn't have their license, and really, it is probably none of your business. Not everyone has the same circumstances. I am sure you would be surprised to find out how many people do not have the ability or the opportunity to drive.
Regardless of reasons, the fact does not change. I am still without a license and with very very little hope of getting one in my future. This has put me into a very bad mood this summer. I live in Colorado and not having the ability to drive is not something one can do forever. I have gotten this far without one, but I feel like I am stuck until I manage to get one.
I have had a few people tell me that they would for sure help me get my license and nothing (the real reason for my anger). This is not really something I can do on my own. It is so very frustrating. I don't want to waste a bunch of money on a junker I could use to teach myself to drive, but that is appearing to be my only option. I can't get myself a reliable car because no one would give me a loan or a car without my license. I really am stuck and I don't know what to do about it.
I just want to leave. I want to pack up and go anywhere that isn't here, okay so I might also really need a vacation.
I am tired of all of this. I am tired of not having a social life. I am tired of having to take the bus everywhere or relying on others to drive me places. I am tired of not even having the option of leaving. This entire situation makes me want to scream. I really don't know what to do.
I apologize for this rant. I have tried to keep this blog from being negative, but I just needed to get this out.